
  • Unipol's Renzo Avesani: balancing risk and innovation

    19 October 2017

    Renzo Avesani holds the positions of chief risk officer and chief innovation officer at Unipol – a unique combination at such a large insurer. He tells Cintia Cheong about the firm's latest initiatives and how it is adapting to life under Solvency II

  • Innovative risk modelling key to tackling emerging technology risks

    17 October 2017

    The World Economic Forum has called for urgent innovation in risk modelling and said rapid global collaboration is crucial to dealing with the risks from new technology. David Walker reports

  • View from the Top: The next crisis, counter-cyclical business models and pro-cyclical valuations: What's to be done?

    12 October 2017

    In this instalment, Tom Wilson, chief risk officer for Allianz, reviews the implications of a financial market correction for the industry and makes some recommendations on how risk, capital and value should be managed

  • UK insurers play it cool on Part VII transfers

    03 October 2017

    Brexit is expected to cause a rush of requests to transfer insurance contracts between businesses. But so far, there has not been a deluge of Part VII applications. Paul Walsh reports

  • BaFin pulls no punches in explaining Orsa shortcomings

    21 September 2017

    Germany's regulator has said insurers must improve virtually all aspects of their Orsa reporting for 2018. David Walker reports

  • Where next for economic scenario generators?

    14 September 2017

    Insurers have for decades relied on economic scenario generators (ESGs) in their risk modelling, asset management and business steering. Christopher Cundy investigates what the next big developments might be in this important piece of modelling software

  • Insurers struggle to interpret GDPR

    12 September 2017

    The upcoming EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all companies with personal records, but there are certain aspects insurers are finding particularly difficult. Cintia Cheong reports

  • The rise and fall of valuation methodologies

    31 August 2017

    The arrival of Solvency II and revised guidance on embedded value methodologies has led to changes in the financial metrics that European insurers report – and not all of them are welcome. David Walker reports

  • Defining company culture in five questions

    24 August 2017

    An 'inappropriate culture' often takes the blame for all kinds of corporate misdemeanour, but judging the culture and correcting the failings can challenge the best of firms. Paul Harwood suggests a strategy to help management get it right

  • Reinsuring Africa in a soft market: One Re CRO

    17 August 2017

    The young reinsurer One Re is somewhat of a specialist, focusing as it does on non-life risks facing clients in Africa. But its chief risk officer Ross McGee tells David Walker that the challenges remain the same, including reporting challenges under Solvency II, soft markets, and risk models.