About us

InsuranceERM.com is an online service that has established itself as an indispensable source of information on all aspects of risk and capital management in the insurance industry.

The industry is undergoing rapid change, caused by the financial crisis, regulatory reform and competitive pressures. The key issue underlying the health of the industry is its management of risk and the amount of capital it allocates against this. Yet till now there have been very few sources of regular and detailed information in this area.

InsuranceERM.com fills this gap. Here you'll find the whole range of related issues covered comprehensively - from enterprise risk management, Solvency II, capital planning, asset/liability management, risk governance, actuarial systems, software, regulation and supervision to market risks, investment risk, longevity risk, operational risk and catastrophe risk.

You'll find timely news and analysis of regulatory initiatives, interviews with chief risk officers of re/insurers and policy makers at regulatory bodies, opinion pieces by people in the industry and authoritative analysis by market experts of technical aspects of valuation, accounting, regulation and risk measurement and monitoring.

The site is organised in channels (listed on the navigation bar) and each is divided into news/comment and analysis. Occasional opinion pieces are categorised the same way. All the material is archived and is easily searchable by date or via the search facility.

Analysis pieces are added to the site as soon as they're ready for publication. News or comment is added every business day. To keep abreast of the new material, sign up on the site for the free weekly email alert service.

InsuranceERM.com was set up by Peter Field, who founded Risk magazine in 1987 and owned what became the Risk Waters Group until 2003.

InsuranceERM is published by Field Gibson Media

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