
  • Holloway Friendly breaks the mould with readable, educational SFCR

    12 July 2018

    The UK friendly society has taken a radical approach to its Solvency II public reporting, creating a document that can be understood by non-experts but still meeting regulatory requirements. InsuranceERM spoke with chief financial officer Paul Harwood to understand the firm's motives and ask how the redesigned SFCR has been received

  • Insurtech brings new challenges to CRO role

    10 July 2018

    Aggelos Andreou asks chief risk officers how they are coping with the opportunities and threats emerging technologies are posing to their firms, and what impact technology will have on the risk function itself

  • Finding a role for insurance in a technology-driven economy

    05 July 2018

    In the second article in his series on intangible asset risk, Tim Freestone explores why the growth in intellectual property and patent risks has not been matched by a corresponding growth in insurance

  • EU supervisors insist Solvency II risk margin "is not an issue"

    03 July 2018

    Insurers’ calls for a recalibration of the risk margin are being ignored by Eiopa and national supervisors, as evidenced at Insurance Europe's conference in Brussels last week. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • EU and UK authorities diverge on Brexit preparations

    28 June 2018

    Eiopa repeats its advice to EU insurers to take contingency measures, while UK supervisors step up and reveal legislative plans. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • German actuaries tell Eiopa: "Stick to your remit"

    26 June 2018

    DAV vice-president Guido Bader talks to David Walker about how the country's actuaries are concerned by Eiopa's new ideas for Solvency II – and the lack of testing around them

  • IFRS 17 earnings recognition: challenges, opportunities and innovations

    21 June 2018

    Luca Tres and Adam Robinson discuss IFRS 17 and its earning recognition criteria from a capital markets and insurance practitioner's perspective, and consider the challenges and the opportunities this presents

  • Mapfre's Antonio Huertas: there should be one global capital regime

    19 June 2018

    Mapfre's chief executive tells Cintia Cheong about the challenges and risks at the top of the Spanish insurer's agenda, including underinsurance, Solvency II and IFRS 17

  • Improving the three lines of defence model

    14 June 2018

    In the follow-up to his article on why the insurance industry needs a new risk governance model, Henry Essert describes how a risk function can better oversee a risk-taking business and deal with strategic threats more effectively

  • How to implement an effective and compliant model validation process

    12 June 2018

    Ashish Kwatra and Jennifer (Kang) Khaleghy continue to share their experiences around successful internal model approval programmes with a focus on independent model validation – an area closely scrutinised by the regulator