
  • ZZR unwind continues at German life insurers on higher rates

    29 May 2024

    "Relief of burden" felt by country's life insurers in shrinking ZZR

  • CCR draws on reserves in 2023, in seventh year since 2016

    29 May 2024

    France's property catastrophe re/insurer scores combined ratio of 107%, according to its SFCR

  • "Significant constraints" challenge efforts to boost retail investment, says Insurance Europe

    28 May 2024

    The trade association published a discussion paper following an EC roundtable

  • Poste Vita's lapse risk rises, but is less than half its Italian peers' average

    28 May 2024

    Surrenders mainly hit unit-linked and with-profits lines, according to SFCR

  • Chubb subsidiary wins Covid business interruption case

    28 May 2024

    California court says the virus does not constitute physical damage from an insurance perspective

  • Boomtime coming for global life insurers as rates rise, predicts Swiss Re

    28 May 2024

    Lapse risk's peak now "likely to have passed", the Swiss reinsurer believes

  • Law firms identify consumer protection regulation as top risk for insurers

    24 May 2024

    The Global Insurance Law Connect publishes its annual risk report

  • Monument Re slips to loss after quiet 2023

    24 May 2024

    Bermudian life reinsurer and consolidator only completes one acquisition deal

  • Noaa issues "above-normal" 2024 North Atlantic hurricane season prediction

    24 May 2024

    La Nina and increased ocean temperatures are cited as major drivers

  • Florida points to insurance improvement as rates stabilise

    24 May 2024

    The state is rolling back climate policies as it calls ESG a "loser"