
  • Do insurers care about the Sustainable Development Goals?

    13 July 2020

    The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are meant to be the "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". So why aren't insurers taking an active role in pursuing them? Paul Walsh reports

  • AIG Life's playbook for Covid-19

    09 July 2020

    Ruth Middleton, AIG Life's chief risk officer, and Debbie Bolton, chief underwriter and head of customer operations at the UK life insurer, tell Ronan McCaughey how the provider has adapted to Covid-19 and reveal their post-pandemic outlook

  • Legal experts lock horns over pandemic BI payouts

    03 July 2020

    Tensions ran high during InsuranceERM's virtual panel discussion on the legal risk implications of the Covid-19 pandemic, as experts discussed the next steps in arguably the biggest legal crisis the insurance industry has ever seen. Paul Walsh reports.

  • The insurance industry's climate change leaders

    30 June 2020

    Christopher Cundy introduces InsuranceERM's list of the people leading and shaping the insurance sector's response to climate change

  • Covid-19 sparks life into digitalisation

    26 June 2020

    Covid-19 has prompted life insurers to upgrade their underwriting technology to use data in previously unimagined ways. A policyholder's driving history, pharmacy records, and the tone of your voice can now all be analysed as evidence. Sarfraz Thind examines the latest trends.

  • IASB issues final version of IFRS 17

    25 June 2020

    The deferral of implementation to 2023 and the reinsurance accounting changes are most welcomed by insurers. Cintia Cheong reports

  • "Wrong tone" casts insurers as Covid-19 villains

    22 June 2020

    Insurance and communication experts debated the reputation of insurance after the Covid-19 pandemic in InsuranceERM's latest webinar. Many achievements were highlighted, but a lack of empathy was a key criticism. Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Longevity risk modelling: what have we learned from Covid-19?

    17 June 2020

    Cintia Cheong talks to Joseph Lu, Colin Dutkiewicz and Mark Cooper how Covid-19 is impacting longevity and what life re/insurers should consider in their modelling and risk management

  • Business interruption: a blockbuster legal battle

    16 June 2020

    Litigation over business interruption coverage for Covid-19 is massing across the globe. The lawyer leading the charge in the US believes this could be the most expensive legal battle in history. How strong is his case and should insurers be worried? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Is a Pandemic Re the answer in a post-Covid-19 world?

    15 June 2020

    Experts have debated the need for a pandemic insurance risk backstop, what it should cover and how it should be funded. Ronan McCaughey reports from the latest of InsuranceERM's Covid-19 webinar series