
  • Problematic behaviour in the digital environment: a growing culture risk

    25 February 2021

    Bullying and harassment are not only issues in the office environment - in fact they can be worse in a workforce that operates remotely. Gemma McCall shares her advice on tackling this growing people and culture risk

  • Matching adjustment becomes a battleground in UK's Solvency II consultation

    23 February 2021

    Respondents to the UK's consultation on the future of Solvency II have taken starkly opposing positions on the matching adjustment, with some arguing for liberalisation and others for scrapping it. Christopher Cundy reports

  • The German insurer that paid pandemic business claims without dispute

    18 February 2021

    When Covid-19 and lockdowns came to Germany, most non-life insurers quickly checked their policy wordings for business closure, and sought compromises with clients. Muenchener Verein simply paid out claimants, as a matter of principle, its CEO tells David Walker

  • Bank of England ignites the debate on UK-EU Solvency II equivalence

    12 February 2021

    The EU is in no rush to grant the UK reciprocal equivalence on Solvency II and has stirred anger by saying it wants to see how far the UK diverges before giving the green light. Paul Walsh assesses the state of play and whether there is any potential for a future agreement

  • Is address-level pricing causing or solving natcat protection gaps?

    11 February 2021

    Consumers in high-risk districts are facing unaffordable premiums for property cover - a situation that some blame on insurers' increasingly detailed pricing methods. But insurers argue that address-level pricing allows them to close protection gaps. David Walker reports

  • Insurance protection gaps: getting over the blame game

    09 February 2021

    Politicians and civil society tend to blame insurers for widening protection gaps. But insurers say governments and regulators must share responsibility. So what can be done to solve what all regard as a growing problem? Christopher Cundy reports from Eiopa's 10th anniversary conference

  • Genetic testing risks go under the microscope

    03 February 2021

    Do life insurers really face the risk of adverse selection from customers that have taken predictive genetic tests? Academics think not, and insurers and policyholders could indeed benefit from wider use of genetic testing, as Paul Walsh reports

  • Australian insurers face BI legal slog after "one shot" plan backfires

    29 January 2021

    After failing spectacularly to prove they were not liable for business interruption claims related to Covid-19 lockdowns, Australian underwriters are now facing the prospect of numerous and lengthy court cases. David Walker reports

  • Climate change could radically reshape US insurance losses

    26 January 2021

    Re/insurers in the US could face a 20% increase in hurricane-related property losses because of climate change. But that's just the average. In certain regions, the losses might be several times higher by 2050, as AIR Worldwide's Peter Sousounis explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Cloud outsourcing comes down to earth

    25 January 2021

    Insurers are being pushed to better manage the operational risks arising from the use of cloud computing. There are some deep challenges involved, but regulations are arriving that might help, as Ronan McCaughey reports