XL Group's McGavick to chair Geneva Association
06 June 2013Nikolaus von Bomhard steps down after reaching four-year limit
Australian regulator sees room for improvement in first ORSA submissions
06 June 2013But industry generally does a "good job" on Lagic implementation
Allianz's renewable energy investment tops €1.5bn following Google deal
06 June 2013Deal matches long-term liabilities of insurance companies
European insurers missing opportunity to diversify investments
05 June 2013Just 2-3% of portfolios invested in alternative asset classes
Reinsurers propose change to Solvency II standard formula
05 June 2013Insurance Europe offers alternative treatment of non-proportional reinsurance
NACRO concerned at ORSA, ComFrame moves
05 June 2013North American CROs are keeping a watchful eye on the development of the ORSA and disagreeing with some aspects of the ComFrame draft
Generali's solvency ratio boosted by disposal of US life business
04 June 2013Sale to Scor is part of capital optimisation strategy
AIG and Prudential Financial named "systemically important" by US
04 June 2013Firms will be subject to stricter supervision and regulation
US hurricane storm-surge risk shows significant rise
03 June 2013CoreLogic research reveals big jump from 2012 in homes at risk and potential costs
"RMS models validated by Sandy's wind and storm surge impacts"
31 May 2013The modelling firm's much-criticised v11 hurricane model incorporated technology which allows surge simulation throughout the entire lifecycle of a hurricane. Sandy showed the model's worth, Jeff Waters argues