
  • Swiss Re CFO sees G-SIFI status having little impact on capital

    24 June 2013

    Reallocates assets to bet on rising bond yields

  • Protests against FTT build up steam

    21 June 2013

    Europe's Financial Transaction Tax has now been adopted by 11 states. Many insurers argue that the tax will make running their businesses more difficult and costly -- to the detriment of their customers. With less than six months left until the official implementation date, Sarfraz Thind looks at whether the industry has time to make its voice heard

  • US has more reservations about Solvency II than a year ago

    21 June 2013

    The federal threat to the US system of state-based insurance supervision is waning, according to Jim Donelon and Ben Nelson, the president and CEO of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, but international pressure for reform is an ever-present danger. In a Q&A with InsuranceERM, the new officials also discuss progress on reinsurance collateral, the ORSA and principles-based reserving

  • Insurers face "biggest ever" financial reporting change

    21 June 2013

    Third draft of international standard on insurer accounting released

  • RMS cloud will be AIR-less

    21 June 2013

    Catastrophe modelling firms are promising to shift risk management into a higher gear with the launch of their various platforms and RMS has even thrown open its new service to third-party modellers. AIR Worldwide's Bill Churney explains why his firm won't be joining in

  • German insured loss from flooding could reach €5.8bn

    20 June 2013

    Impact similar to if 2002 flood occurred today, according to AIR Worldwide

  • Infrastructure investment in vogue following Axa's €10bn plan

    19 June 2013

    Concerns about treatment under Solvency II partially recede, says Fitch

  • Swiss Re stops 23 transactions on ethical grounds

    19 June 2013

    Applies Principles for Sustainable Insurance for the first time

  • Industry digests impact of LTGA

    18 June 2013

    The insurance industry has had barely three days to consider the report from Eiopa on the long-term guarantees assessment, but it's long enough for experts to have identified several problems and for lobby group Insurance Europe to express its disappointment at the latest proposals on Solvency II. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Hannover Re predicts German flood loss at €100m-200m

    17 June 2013

    Reaffirms income guidance of around €800m for 2013