
  • Insurance experts map out the future of pandemic cover

    03 December 2020

    Panellists at the Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA event emphasise a public -private partnership

  • Experts share insights on the future of pandemic cover

    17 November 2020

    It will be discussed at the Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA virtual conference from 2-3 December

  • Insurers split on recovery and resolution planning

    16 March 2017

    As the IAIS looks to develop a market-wide approach to systemic risk, Eiopa is developing rules that will require recovery and resolution plans from all insurers regardless of their size. This broader approach to systemic risk has split industry opinion and pitted large firms against small. Callum Tanner reports

  • Allianz slams Eiopa's "freak" stress scenarios

    13 June 2016

    Fears results may be used to justify countercyclical requirement

  • First box ticked in Solvency II data reporting

    28 July 2015

    Fears that insurers would flounder in the first test of their Solvency II reporting systems have eased, but it has not all been plain sailing. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Systemic risk buffer may miss the target

    21 July 2015

    The IAIS has unveiled a formula to calculate the high-loss absorbency for global systemically important insurers. The industry claims the requirement is set too high and fears it will be poorly targeted. Hugo Coelho reports