
  • Value creation analysis finds an "enormous gap" between best and worst insurers

    14 August 2020

    BCG's analysis of value creation by insurers has found a massive gap between companies, much more so than in other industries. And the challenges posed by Covid-19 are putting extra pressure on the worst performers to respond. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Covid-19's consequences for solvency, stress and scenario testing

    23 July 2020

    What lessons have been learned from the solvency risks created by the pandemic? Three experts discuss with Christopher Cundy the reactions from insurers and supervisors, and the implications for future regulation

  • Zurich pays $2.2bn for Australian life insurer

    12 December 2017

    Purchase of OnePath Life from ANZ marks latest exit by local bank from life business

  • Irma and Harvey losses to may eliminate P&C reinsurance profits

    14 September 2017

    Recent changes to market structure avert larger capital hit

  • Solvency II capital benefit from diversification surprises equity analysts

    04 July 2017

    Pure-play firms gain as much multi-line groups

  • SFCRs - the one-tonne paper chase by European insurers

    15 June 2017

    Analysis of public Solvency II reports shows literally a tonne of information is now available to stakeholders. But who will use it? Do the reports satisfy stakeholders? And how might the reports evolve? David Walker reports

  • Analysts decry SFCRs as "not fit for their purpose"

    25 May 2017

    Prediction that regulation will play second fiddle to ratings agencies

  • ZZR eats up German insurers' unrealised gains by 2025

    21 July 2016

    AB estimates €160bn increase in interest rate reserve

  • Greco's first task as Zurich CEO may be reserves hike

    27 January 2016

    Bernstein analysts argue that buffers are depleted

  • Solvency II disclosures to drive insurance stocks

    05 January 2016

    Aegon and Delta Lloyd proved how insights into capital can be disruptive, says Alliance Bernstein