
  • Axa to sell asset management business to BNP Paribas for €5.1bn and acquire Italy's Nobis

    01 August 2024

    French insurer strikes long-term asset management agreement with BNP

  • Thomas Buberl flags deceleration in life book portfolio deals at Axa

    22 February 2024

    Annual results accompanied Axa's next group strategic plan today

  • Axa chief: NZIA disintegration marks "a sad chapter"

    03 August 2023

    The insurer also commented on the impact of IFRS 17 on its H1 2023 results

  • Insurers have "never been so relevant", says Axa's CEO

    07 June 2023

    The chief executive was speaking at the Insurance Europe conference in Paris

  • Françoise Gilles replaces Renaud Guidée as Axa's group CRO

    06 June 2023

    Several reassignments revealed, and CUO position created, in top-level reshuffles

  • Axa plans 35% cut to Axa XL Re's nat cat exposure in 2023

    23 February 2023

    CEO praises Axa's 'pivot' towards more non-life insurance risks

  • Climate change ranked as top emerging risk in all regions

    24 October 2022

    Axa Future Risk Report 2022 polled more than 4,000 risk experts worldwide

  • Axa inks €660m deal with Athora for €16bn German life book sale

    15 July 2022

    Deferred annuities and endowments had average guarantee of 3.2%

  • Bigger does not mean better for insurers

    02 June 2022

    Expanding an insurance business in good times typically meant growing profits. In today's tougher economic environment, Europe's largest insurers are being much more prudent about spending capital, and are only considering very careful expansion, as David Walker writes

  • Axa gains approval for internal reinsurer

    11 May 2022