
  • Domhnall Cullinan to head Irish insurance supervisory role

    19 August 2019

    He succeeds Sylvia Cronin at the Central Bank of Ireland and will take up his role from 1 September

  • Sylvia Cronin to leave Irish insurance supervisory role

    08 May 2019

    The Central Bank of Ireland’s Ed Sibley will fill the director of insurance role in the short term

  • Ireland drafts insurance legislation for a no-deal Brexit

    17 January 2019

    It involves a three-year run-off regime for UK insurers

  • UK not the only loser from Brexit, say insurance regulators

    13 December 2018

    UK and Irish regulators lay out priorities for 2019, with Brexit at top of the list

  • Irish insurers make “small progress” in diversity

    13 June 2018

    Half of firms still have all-male boards

  • Some insurers' data reporting "not Solvency II compliant", says Irish regulator

    17 April 2018

    CBI reveals failings in risk, audit, compliance, the board and senior management

  • Bernardino urges insurers to worry about AI and morals colliding

    22 November 2017

    Eiopa will conduct thematic review on underwriters and big data next year

  • Regulators seek new tech to probe insurers' quantitative reports

    20 November 2017

    But warn of unregulated value chains when insurers adopt insurtech

  • XL Group picks Dublin as EU base

    19 September 2017

    Firm has historical relationships with Irish capital

  • UK insurers' Brexit choices become a test of EU regulatory convergence

    13 July 2017

    Eiopa's opinion on Brexit may have scotched the plans of London firms hoping to reinsure 100% of EU risks back to the City. But are some regulators offering a lighter-touch version of the rules than others? Callum Tanner reports