
  • European Parliament plenary passes Solvency II reforms and IRRD

    23 April 2024

    RIS also approved to enter trilogue talks

  • Inducements debate throws RIS into the slow lane

    06 February 2024

    With the end of the current political mandate in sight and the legislative calendar looking busy, the Retail Investment Strategy now has to overcome a tight deadline and contentious points of debate. Joshua Geer reports

  • Timeline narrows to reach agreement on Retail Investment Strategy

    24 October 2023

    Divergent views from MEPs, but RIS rapporteur pledges to build consensus on the issue

  • Inflation continues to cast a shadow, says Eiopa Chief

    23 October 2023

    ECON committee also gives an update on Solvency II trilogues

  • European Commission's partial ban on inducements is "step towards full ban", says Yon-Courtin

    05 October 2023

    Retail Investment Strategy rapporteur also wants tougher crackdown on social-media "finfluencers"

  • Solvency II review trilogues set to centre around sustainability

    25 September 2023

    MEP Stéphanie Yon-Courtin is hopeful a deal will be done before the next elections

  • Don't throw "spanner in the works" over inducements, says RIS rapporteur

    20 September 2023

    MEPs have debated the European Commission's proposed partial ban on inducements

  • Insurance protection gaps: getting over the blame game

    09 February 2021

    Politicians and civil society tend to blame insurers for widening protection gaps. But insurers say governments and regulators must share responsibility. So what can be done to solve what all regard as a growing problem? Christopher Cundy reports from Eiopa's 10th anniversary conference