
  • No room for complacency in 2021 Atlantic hurricane season

    31 May 2021

    Forecasters have predicted another "above-normal" hurricane season, although not as bad as 2020. But as the season gets underway, insurers and catastrophe modellers have stressed there is no place for complacency. Paul Walsh reports

  • The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season: breaking unexpected records

    27 November 2020

    This year will be remembered for the having the largest number of tropical storms, but it has been a relatively lucky season without serious losses. For insurers and risk modellers, the long-term impact may be the advances in technology forced upon them by the pandemic, as Paul Walsh reports

  • AIR picks fight with RMS over Atlantic hurricane models

    18 May 2018

    Cat modelling quarrel spills into Twitter spat

  • Hurricane loss estimates: clawing for credibility

    24 October 2017

    Cat modellers' loss estimates following this year's major hurricanes were surprisingly far apart. Christopher Cundy asks if the sector is doing the right thing

  • Hiscox hires modelling expert to lead catastrophe research

    09 March 2017

    Shree Khare will develop Hiscox's own view of risk