Allianz's group Solvency II ratio to benefit from life reinsurance deal
01 October 2021The transaction de-risks 80% of Allianz Suisse's traditional individual life business
Expect auditors' critical judgement on IFRS 17
27 May 2020Accountancy Europe urges insurers to involve auditors early in IFRS 17
Bother the stakeholders until they don't want to listen!
14 February 2020Allianz's Remo Cavegn shares tips on governance of IFRS 17 projects
IFRS 17 Conference: what have we learned?
12 March 2019The upcoming accounting standard for insurance contracts poses several challenges to the industry ranging from skills shortages to stakeholder engagement. On 27 February, experts convened at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 Conference in London to discuss their approach to successful implementation. Cintia Cheong summarises the findings
Don't postpone IFRS 17 deadline again, says Allianz
26 February 2019Cintia Cheong asks Remo Cavegn, Allianz One.Finance programme director, about why the 2022 deadline should stay and how the German insurer is managing to stay ahead of the game