
  • Cat modellers go physical to understand climate threats

    23 July 2021

    Insurers' modelling of natural catastrophes has predominantly relied on historical data, but this approach is becoming unsuitable as the climate changes. Paul Walsh investigates the new techniques being developed

  • Cat modellers factor in flood risk from moon wobble

    21 July 2021

    AIR Worldwide and JBA Risk Management say the impact is marginal

  • Climate change could radically reshape US insurance losses

    26 January 2021

    Re/insurers in the US could face a 20% increase in hurricane-related property losses because of climate change. But that's just the average. In certain regions, the losses might be several times higher by 2050, as AIR Worldwide's Peter Sousounis explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Stronger and more frequent hurricanes on the way, warns AIR Worldwide

    06 December 2019

    The catastrophe risk modeller said stronger and more frequent cyclones are likely in the future

  • Hurricane Michael to cost insurers $6bn-10bn, says AIR Worldwide

    15 October 2018

    Estimates do not include losses paid out by the National Flood Insurance Program

  • AIR Worldwide report points to difficulties in assessing insurance impact of climate change

    29 June 2017

    Damaging weather events expected to become frequent and intense, on the whole