
  • IAG picks replacement for departing CEO

    21 September 2020

    Nick Hawkins will climb the final rung to assume Peter Harmer's role

  • Nat cats drive 60% fall in net profit for Australia's IAG

    07 August 2020

    High level of natural perils highlights the importance of climate action, says IAG

  • IAG fresh business dips A$80m due to pandemic lockdown

    24 July 2020

    The Australian non-life firm will pay no final dividend

  • Australia's insurers get grilled after the country burns

    21 May 2020

    A parliamentary committee took Australia's insurers to task after a torrid season of bushfires, Covid-19 and scathing criticism of their conduct and governance. David Walker reports

  • IAG warns "no easy ride" for reinsurers hiking prices at next renewals

    30 April 2020

    Insurer does not foresee repeat of 47% price jumps experienced in 2011/12

  • Apra hits pause on licensing new insurers as Covid-19 toughens conditions

    08 April 2020

    Head of country's largest non-life firm announces retirement

  • IAG urges Australian government to act on global warming

    12 February 2020

    Half-year results show 43% fall in insurers net profits

  • Royal Commission report adds A$30m to IAG compliance budget

    06 February 2019

    Australian general insurer forced to defend New Zealand profits

  • IAG feels benefits of quota share deals

    15 August 2018

    Full year results show 125bps boost to margin by agreements with European reinsurers

  • IAG begins "all options open" review of Asian business

    14 February 2018

    Inability to grow in region spurs examination