
  • Penny James appointed CEO of Direct Line

    26 February 2019

    Paul Geddes to step down at the end of July

  • Direct Line CEO to quit next year

    01 August 2018

    Paul Geddes will have served for 10 years

  • Direct Line exhausts 2018's bad weather budget in Q1

    02 May 2018

    Sub-zero weather causes surge in claims

  • Direct Line writes off £57m IT investment

    27 February 2018

    But strong 2017 results lead to increased dividend

  • Direct Line completes £350m RT1 debt issue

    08 December 2017

    First sterling issue of restricted tier 1 debt

  • Justice Committee's Ogden advice raises fear of further delay

    30 November 2017

    MPs have told the government it must face the "real world" when implementing the new personal injury discount rate. But its recommendations may cause more delay to the process, and pain for insurers as the industry tussles with making appropriate assumptions. Paul Walsh reports

  • Prudential's group CRO appointed as Direct Line's finance chief

    08 September 2017

    Penny James succeeds John Reizenstein to become CFO

  • UK industry welcomes action on whiplash claims but urges same for Ogden

    21 June 2017

    Queen's speech sets out plan to tackle rising motor injury claims

  • Ogden slashes Direct Line's solvency ratio by 24ppt

    07 March 2017

    Damages discount rate is now a top five emerging risk

  • Ogden rate battle: insurers will be consulted on review

    01 March 2017

    Discount rate needs to be fair, say Hammond and ABI