
  • Allianz sues French government for negligence over New Caledonia riots

    12 August 2024

    CEO says insurers should not have to cover losses when rule of law has collapsed

  • Allianz CEO cautions those building where the "earth shakes and the wind blows"

    23 February 2024

    Weak P&C profitability takes shine off group's 2023 full year results

  • Allianz announces net-zero transition plan and environmentalists label it "ambitious"

    07 September 2023

    The German insurance group targets a 30% carbon emissions reduction in its motor segment

  • Allianz retains crown as Europe's most complex insurance group

    25 May 2023

    At Aviva, investment funds contribute significantly to 700 Solvency II entities

  • Massive repricing for motor and cat inflation is needed, says Allianz's CEO

    17 January 2023

    Oliver Bäte says climate-related catastrophes are "a fact of life"

  • Bigger does not mean better for insurers

    02 June 2022

    Expanding an insurance business in good times typically meant growing profits. In today's tougher economic environment, Europe's largest insurers are being much more prudent about spending capital, and are only considering very careful expansion, as David Walker writes

  • Allianz's natcat costs in Q1 hit decade high

    12 May 2022

    But operating profits grew 11% for asset management, year on year

  • It's life Oliver, but not as we knew it

    08 April 2022

    European life insurers' capital consumption used to give their CEOs indigestion. But the "capital-lite" diets of Allianz and others has transformed the business, as David Walker discovers

  • Progress on gender parity "frustratingly slow", says Aviva's Blanc

    08 March 2022

    Women in Finance Charter report says it could take another 30 years

  • Oliver Bäte's bonus rises despite punishment over Structured Alpha

    07 March 2022

    Allianz board's long-term incentives could be cut up to 25% for hedge fund losses