
  • More severe storms could hike UK home insurance prices 20% by 2025

    01 February 2024

    The UK has already experienced 10 storms so far in 2024

  • "Exceptional volunteer response" from actuaries in Covid-19 battle

    08 April 2020

    Over 400 actuaries have responded to the call to arms

  • Actuaries urged to join the UK's fight against Covid-19

    31 March 2020

    Covid-19 actuaries response group issues a call to arms

  • North of England flood losses could cost insurers £120m

    14 November 2019

    More than 500 properties have been flooded and 1,200 households have been evacuated.

  • Justice Committee's Ogden advice raises fear of further delay

    30 November 2017

    MPs have told the government it must face the "real world" when implementing the new personal injury discount rate. But its recommendations may cause more delay to the process, and pain for insurers as the industry tussles with making appropriate assumptions. Paul Walsh reports

  • UK government proposes higher Ogden rate

    07 September 2017

    Promises relief for insurers and motor insurance buyers

  • UK industry welcomes action on whiplash claims but urges same for Ogden

    21 June 2017

    Queen's speech sets out plan to tackle rising motor injury claims

  • The 'winners' and losers from the Ogden rate change

    20 June 2017

    Insurers with lower retention rates increased their motor market share in Q1 as others were forced to raise prices faster. They are, however, likely to be hit harder during their reinsurance renewals, and the profits lost across the entire sector could reach £3.5bn. Callum Tanner reports

  • Insurers tussle with Ogden rate assumptions

    15 February 2017

    The UK government is due to announce a revision to the damages discount rate – at the same time as insurers are preparing their annual reports. Christopher Cundy reports