
  • Microsoft IT outage will be significant loss for insurers

    19 July 2024

    Challenge for firms where both operations and coverage hit by outage

  • Disruptive technology returns to top of SOA/CAS emerging risk survey

    19 July 2024

    Continued evolution of technologies like ChatGPT most worries risk managers, according to poll

  • Cybersecurity top, but pricing second, in vote on "most dangerous risks"

    02 February 2024

    ARM survey suggests return to "traditional" risk fears after years of turmoil

  • AI shoots up SOA/CAS emerging risk list

    31 July 2023

    "Disruptive technology" category emerges strongly in May survey

  • Inflation ranked "most dangerous" risk for insurers in 2023

    24 February 2023

    Arm survey also notes climate change has dropped down the list of insurers' pressing risks

  • Financial volatility and climate top North American actuaries' risks lists

    13 January 2023

    CAS and SOA survey finds sharp drop in concern around pandemic

  • Cyber still "most dangerous" risk for insurers in 2022, according to Arm survey

    01 February 2022

    Inflation and employee retention newest entrants into the top five

  • Pandemic ranked top risk by US risk managers

    28 January 2021

    Climate change biggest emerging risk, according to SOA survey

  • Climate change tops North American emerging risk survey

    03 November 2020

    Pandemic will feature in next year's Joint Risk Management Section survey, says author

  • Emerging risks: cyber still top, environment rising

    27 April 2018

    Max Rudolph discusses the findings of the North American actuarial societies' 11th annual survey of emerging risks with Christopher Cundy