
  • Lutz Wilhelmy to chair Actuarial Association of Europe

    10 October 2022
  • Actuarial Association of Europe unveils new board

    14 December 2017

    Thomas Béhar and Esko Kivisaari will lead the new AAE board

  • Reinsurers renew lobbying efforts to avoid G-Sii designation

    09 August 2016

    A move from quantitative to qualitative indicators of global systemic risk is threatening to make the designation process more opaque for reinsurers. Callum Tanner reports

  • IAIS reaches fork in the road on systemic risk

    26 July 2016

    International regulators are opening up to the idea of framing systemic risk in market-wide activities rather than individual companies. Callum Tanner reports

  • Systemic risk buffer may miss the target

    21 July 2015

    The IAIS has unveiled a formula to calculate the high-loss absorbency for global systemically important insurers. The industry claims the requirement is set too high and fears it will be poorly targeted. Hugo Coelho reports