
  • EU insurers don't need pressure to act on climate, says Uniqa chief

    04 February 2021

    Andreas Brandstetter says transition to low-carbon economy must be "super fast"

  • Axa calls for UN climate underwriting alliance

    14 December 2020

    Climate campaigners welcome initiative with caution

  • Activists launch tool to scrutinise re/insurers' coal policy

    08 September 2020

    Axa amongst top insurers with most robust policy

  • Zurich commits to insure controversial Trans Mountain pipeline

    08 August 2019

    Activists urge insurers to drop the Canadian oil sands pipeline project

  • NN Group develops coal exclusionary underwriting criteria

    29 May 2019

    The Dutch insurer’s coal policy aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy

  • Scor clamps down on coal underwriting

    30 April 2019

    Will cease support for all new coal-fired power plants

  • Uniqa stops insuring new coal business

    15 March 2019

    Climate activist group Unfriend Coal has welcomed Uniqa's move, but said more can be done

  • Mapfre's new coal underwriting policy leaves environmentalists to question more

    12 March 2019

    Spanish insurer will stop insuring new coal projects

  • VIG reveals restrictions on its coal coverage

    22 February 2019

    But environmentalists argue the Austrian insurer has not gone far enough with its policy

  • Munich Re tightens coal underwriting and divestment policies

    07 August 2018

    No more re/insurance for coal mines and power plants in developed countries