Matching adjustment becomes a battleground in UK's Solvency II consultation
23 February 2021Respondents to the UK's consultation on the future of Solvency II have taken starkly opposing positions on the matching adjustment, with some arguing for liberalisation and others for scrapping it. Christopher Cundy reports
UK actuaries take another crack at equity-release mortgage valuation
03 March 2020Valuation of equity-release mortgages (ERMs) is one of the most controversial topics in the UK actuarial community, and the latest update from the working party only makes a small step towards resolving the debate. Christopher Cundy reports
PRA sticks to its guns on ERM deferment rates
27 September 2019Parameters for effective value test left unchanged from consultation proposal
FRC begins review into equity-release mortgage accounting
05 September 2019Action follows Prudential Regulation Authority’s reforms on regulatory approach
Buckner and Dowd challenge equity-release mortgage valuations
15 July 2019In-depth investigation argues for recalibration of assumptions and market-consistent approach
Rebel with a cause
03 January 2019Former UK insurance regulator Dean Buckner has become an influential blogger with a big ambition: correcting the illogical and unethical aspects of financial markets supervision. He talks to Christopher Cundy about equity release mortgages, Solvency II and IFRS 17
IFoA under fire on equity-release mortgage valuation
29 November 2018Second paper from Buckner and Dowd highlights role of actuarial body in promoting approach
Equity release mortgage lending "a scandal like Equitable Life"
07 August 2018Durham University professor warns of major errors in insurers' valuation