
  • Harness insurers' expertise in public risk pools, says ex-Pool Re chief

    14 September 2022

    At RVS 2022, Julian Enoizi said public-private pools should be formed "pre-disaster"

  • Julian Enoizi to take up systemic risk role at Guy Carpenter

    30 March 2022

    He was most recently chief executive of Pool Re

  • Pool Re to chair Cambridge University's systemic risk consortium - UPDATED

    18 January 2022

    Overhaul needed to protect society from the next major systemic risk, says CEO

  • People moves: Hiscox, Pool Re, IGI, Federal Reserve Board

    26 November 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • Covid-19 stalls progress on UK pandemic risk pool initiative

    19 November 2020

    A report from the Pandemic Re Steering Group Committee awaits review by the government

  • France progresses plan for pandemic insurance pool

    05 May 2020

    Funding options are being explored and it could follow the model of France's public reinsurer CCR

  • Pool Re launches terrorism risk knowledge hub

    12 November 2019

    Pool Re Solutions has been created to support member insurers and their policyholders

  • Geneva Association forms cyber terrorism joint task force

    15 October 2019

    Its initial findings are expected to be published in mid-2020.

  • Insurers face plethora of unknown risks, warns Pool Re chief

    20 June 2019

    Julian Enoizi was speaking at the Cambridge Risk Summit

  • Pool Re places world's first terrorism cat bond

    26 February 2019

    The bond provides £75m of retrocession protection to UK terrorism pool