
  • PRA fights back with Solvency II defence

    23 February 2017

    Aviva and L&G chief executives have exaggerated the problems with Solvency II, according to PRA chief Sam Woods. Given more freedom outside the EU, the UK regulator is unlikely to make sweeping changes. Callum Tanner reports

  • UK insurers' legal challenge on risk margin scuppered by regulator

    16 February 2017

    Legal advice commissioned by British insurers suggested that a future management action could allow firms to significantly reduce the risk margin even while the UK regulator remains bound to EU law. So far that advice has fallen on deaf ears. Callum Tanner reports

  • UK insurers emphasise post-Brexit opportunity

    26 January 2017

    Senior management from Lloyd's, L&G, Prudential and the ABI have presented evidence to the Treasury Select Committee. With a hard Brexit now on the horizon most firms have given up on retaining single market access and are instead focusing on the benefits of changing Solvency II. Callum Tanner reports

  • Lloyd's CFO hopes EU subsidiary never has to operate

    25 January 2017

    Continuation of passporting arrangements and EU market access still ideal scenario