
  • RVS 2024: No sign of social inflation abating, says Swiss Re chief economist

    08 September 2024

    Reinsurer finds $43bn of underwriting losses in liability lines over last five years

  • Boomtime coming for global life insurers as rates rise, predicts Swiss Re

    28 May 2024

    Lapse risk's peak now "likely to have passed", the Swiss reinsurer believes

  • Cresta urges severe convective storms not to be called secondary perils

    02 April 2024

    The firm warned SCS "are no longer purely an issue of frequency but also of severity"

  • Swiss Re warns macroeconomic risks will dampen insurance growth in 2024

    21 November 2023

    The reinsurer expects geopolitics to play a dominant role in driving the outlook

  • Swiss Re: thunderstorms accounted for up to 70% of nat cat losses in H1

    09 August 2023
  • Insurers foot $112bn catastrophe bill in 2021, says Swiss Re

    14 December 2021

    More investment in infrastructure needed to mitigate rising natural disasters

  • Nat cat insured losses rise 40% year on year

    16 December 2020

    Swiss Re Institute warns climate change is expected to exacerbate secondary peril events

  • China to account for 20% of premiums globally by 2029

    04 July 2019

    Swiss Re says China will surpass the US as largest insurance market in coming years