
  • Country profile: Portugal

    30 March 2021

    Cintia Cheong reveals how Covid-19 has affected the Portuguese insurance sector and the prospects for M&A, as well as examining the potential impacts of Solvency II reform and progress with IFRS 17 implementation

  • Late transposition hampers Solvency II applications

    04 September 2015

    More than half of European countries have not yet written Solvency II into their national laws, prompting supervisors to set up voluntary processes to apply for internal models and adjustments. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Portuguese insurers under pressure to sell bank debt

    09 December 2014

    The Portuguese insurance supervisor has found that one in five insurers fall short of capital under Solvency II, even after taking into account the benefit of the volatility adjustment. What's more, concentrated exposures to the financial sector are sending capital requirements through the roof, as Hugo Coelho explores

  • EU supervisors split about sovereign bond charges

    04 November 2014

    Internal model firms face inconsistent requirements