
  • De Castries to step down from Axa

    21 March 2016

    Buberl becomes chief executive, Duverne takes over as chairman

  • PRA handcuffed by equivalence in brexit scenario

    01 March 2016

    Third-country status could cost UK insurers, Asa Gibson reports

  • Axa rules out divestments to avoid capital surcharge

    25 February 2016

    Europe faces "problem" if US rejects G-Sii rules

  • Climate change to shave 0.5% off insurers' capital annually

    16 November 2015

    Larger impact to be felt through lower investment returns

  • Axa to fuel insurtech growth with €100m start-up incubator

    07 September 2015

    Kamet to build disruptive insurance products and services

  • Axa to move out of coal-related investments

    26 May 2015

    CEO also criticises regulation for deterring long-term investment

  • HLA is a life jacket in a desert, says de Castries

    04 December 2014

    Axa's chairman urges regulators to rethink tools to tackle systemic risks