
  • Australia to guarantee property reinsurance pool in natcat-prone north

    05 May 2021

    The A$10bn support shows "underwriters will not stand alone," says local government head

  • Is address-level pricing causing or solving natcat protection gaps?

    11 February 2021

    Consumers in high-risk districts are facing unaffordable premiums for property cover - a situation that some blame on insurers' increasingly detailed pricing methods. But insurers argue that address-level pricing allows them to close protection gaps. David Walker reports

  • Australian association to investigate affordability and availability problems

    09 February 2021

    Insurance Council of Australia seeking solutions to decade-long issues

  • Local authorities in Australia call for national natcat reinsurance programme

    04 February 2021

    Recent report warned of unaffordability and unavailability of cover north of Tropic of Capricorn