
  • Swiss Life fined by Singapore regulator over Wirecard scandal

    23 June 2023

    MAS handed out penalties to three banks and the life firm

  • BaFin hit by coronavirus

    18 March 2020

    German regulator assembles internal taskforce and institutes remote working

  • BaFin raises supervision challenges of capital modelling with AI

    21 October 2019

    Question raised whether to supervise data providers

  • BaFin spells out its Solvency II review wish-list

    07 May 2019

    Negative rate modelling and investment relief for life insurers top regulator's list

  • European regulators outline Brexit mitigation measures

    31 January 2019

    As the threat of a no-deal Brexit becomes more likely, some EU countries are stepping up their preparations to ensure service continuity. Cintia Cheong spoke to regulators and governments in five big EU27 markets to find out what they have planned

  • Germany's BaFin re-emphasises willingness for 'smooth' Brexit

    16 January 2019

    But insurers must put in same level of effort, German regulator says

  • BaFin cautions against ESA review creating "bureaucratic monster"

    03 May 2018

    German regulator also warns over sustainable assets

  • Solvency II standard formula too complex, reports too flimsy, says German regulator

    18 January 2018

    BaFin head also suggests interest rate reserves are growing too fast

  • ICS version 1.0 inspires little faith in IAIS timetable

    15 August 2017

    Despite the IAIS heralding the launch of insurance capital standard version 1.0, insurers say it has achieved a lot less than originally promised. Is it time to scale back ambitions for version 2.0? Callum Tanner reports

  • Solvency II "will never be a cakewalk", says BaFin chief

    11 January 2017

    German supervisor focusing on weaker underwriters