
  • UK sets date to switch Solvency II curve to Sonia

    08 January 2021

    Move from Libor-based risk-free rate curve expected to have a marginal impact on solvency ratios

  • Insurers desperate for regulators to provide Libor clarity

    14 June 2019

    Transition to Sonia hampered by questions over Solvency II discount rate

  • Finding the goal in insurtech - part one: the investors

    18 September 2018

    Strategies for capitalising on new insurance technologies are as varied as the technologies themselves. In part one of this series of interviews, Cintia Cheong talks to insurtech investors about the most promising areas for tech development, and how they are making their investments

  • InsurTech Venture Partners plans start-up fund for underwriters

    16 November 2016

    Structuring hopes to more than halve standard Solvency II capital charge

  • QE to accelerate shift into illiquid assets

    23 January 2015

    Demand for non-euro assets is another option for hard-pressed insurers, analysts say