
  • Eiopa launches 2016 stress tests early

    24 May 2016

    Long-for-low and double-hit scenarios to be tested

  • Eiopa fleshes out rules to tackle mis-selling risk

    14 April 2016

    Insurers required to align product features with the interests of the target group

  • EU financial watchdogs in joint warning about negative rates

    08 April 2016

    ESAs promise forward-looking supervision and focus on sustainability of business models

  • MEPs want Eiopa to sit at FSB table

    05 April 2016

    Report argues need to ensure global standards do not clash with EU regulations

  • ESRB approves adverse scenarios for insurance stress tests

    29 March 2016

    Impact of prolonged low interest rate scenario and rapidly widening spreads under assessment

  • Eiopa's Bernardino: We will see if a countercyclical requirement makes sense for insurers

    17 March 2016

    In the second part of an interview with Hugo Coelho, the Eiopa chairman responds to the ESRB report and sets expectations about the looming reviews of Solvency II

  • Eiopa's Bernardino: "Supervisors shouldn't kick the can down the road on low rates"

    10 March 2016

    The chairman of Europe's insurance authority lifts the veil on this year's stress test and discusses with Hugo Coelho the limitations to consistent implementation of Solvency II

  • Solvency II standard formula 'blind' to negative rates

    10 March 2016

    Insurers required to hold insufficient capital against the risk that rates move further down, Morgan Stanley warns

  • Eiopa's stress tests expand to 75% of EU market

    08 March 2016

    Sectors most vulnerable to low interest rates come under the spotlight

  • Eiopa elects new stakeholder group

    04 March 2016

    Karel Van Hulle, Arendse Huub and Benoît Hugonin among the members