
  • BaFin puts ZZR contribution saving at €15bn

    16 November 2018

    But Germany’s regulator says the challenges for life industry will endure

  • BaFin promises "sensible solutions" for post-Brexit business

    14 November 2018

    German regulator makes wide-ranging speech on life sector

  • IAIS Luxembourg: AI and big data require crucial risk management changes, experts warn

    09 November 2018

    Insurers need to upgrade their risk management operations to cope with technologies

  • ZZR reform to proceed this year, German insurers told

    18 October 2018

    Government move to change stockpiling method welcomed by life underwriters

  • Still room for SFCR improvement, BaFin tells industry

    18 September 2018

    German regulator says improvements are evident in second year of reporting, though

  • German regulator cautious over Generali Leben sale

    06 July 2018

    Generali and Viridium agreed on deal - but BaFin may not

  • EU supervisors insist Solvency II risk margin "is not an issue"

    03 July 2018

    Insurers’ calls for a recalibration of the risk margin are being ignored by Eiopa and national supervisors, as evidenced at Insurance Europe's conference in Brussels last week. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • BaFin cautions against ESA review creating "bureaucratic monster"

    03 May 2018

    German regulator also warns over sustainable assets

  • GDV warns German insurers, prepare for hard Brexit

    14 November 2017

    Trade body says rules needed for orderly transfer of contracts if no trade deal is done

  • BaFin lists failings of German insurers' Solvency II reporting

    16 August 2017

    However, regulator says pillar III documents overall were satisfactory