
  • The ongoing ordeal of Ogden

    11 April 2017

    The change to UK's damages discount rate came as a huge surprise to many insurers. But this is far from being a one-off shock. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Ogden rate battle: insurers will be consulted on review

    01 March 2017

    Discount rate needs to be fair, say Hammond and ABI

  • Aviva restructures in preparation for Brexit

    19 January 2017

    David McMillan to leave insurer

  • Insurers disappointed by UK rate cut and QE extension

    04 August 2016

    Analysts expect further quantitative easing in 2016

  • Aviva ramps up use of internal reinsurer

    04 August 2016

    Move reduces Solvency II capital requirements at solo level

  • Aviva to review structure of Irish business after Brexit vote

    06 July 2016

    May reverse decision to make it a branch

  • Aviva CEO: We expect risk margin and VA to change

    06 July 2016

    But Brexit adds uncertainty to timing of Solvency II reforms

  • Solvency II costs 'outrageous'

    10 March 2016

    Aviva chief executive laments £500m implementation costs

  • Too much necessity and hubris in insurance M&A, says Aviva CEO

    26 January 2016

    Mark Wilson shares lessons in M&A strategy

  • How a 100% SCR stopped being sufficient capital

    12 November 2015

    Insurers are holding capital buffers larger than the minimum required under Solvency II, but is it the fault of the rules, the regulators or the market? Hugo Coelho reports