
  • Net-zero underwriting: "it's about not running away"

    04 November 2021

    Re/insurers signal the end of exclusions to deal with carbon emissions

  • ABI joins Principles for Sustainable Insurance

    12 May 2021

    Move comes ahead of COP26 meeting in Glasgow

  • Seven re/insurers to join UN's Net-Zero Insurance Alliance

    21 April 2021

    Environmentalists request immediate change to fossil fuels for NZIA project to be credible

  • Insurers urged to focus on climate litigation risk

    22 January 2021

    UN's Butch Bacani says insurers should address climate-related risks "holistically"

  • The insurance industry's climate change leaders

    30 June 2020

    Christopher Cundy introduces InsuranceERM's list of the people leading and shaping the insurance sector's response to climate change

  • Brokers disrupting insurance sector's climate efforts

    29 November 2019

    Property & casualty brokers helping clients avoid sustainability agenda

  • Insurance guide launched to protect world heritage sites

    15 October 2019

    Insurers worldwide have collaborated with the United Nations and the World Wildlife Fund

  • UN PSI launches ESG underwriting guide

    01 March 2019

    Environmental, social and governance criteria should be embedded in underwriting, report argues

  • Insurers work with UN to protect World Heritage Sites

    21 January 2019

    The aim is to provide practical guidance to insurers

  • Aon commits to the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance

    05 June 2018

    It is the first insurance broker to sign up to the principles