
  • EU and US release convergence plan

    24 December 2012

    Five-year plan includes fully risk-based capital requirements

  • Companies will allocate resources back to strategic issues

    24 December 2012

    It's time to refocus on traditional areas of ERM, says Milliman's Neil Cantle.

  • Australia beats Europe on regulatory overhaul

    21 December 2012

    Australia has succeeded where Europe has seemingly failed by implementing new solvency capital regulations for insurers in three years – with relatively few delays. The standards will be implemented on 1 January 2013 and follow a broadly similar approach to Solvency II. Lorna Davies reports

  • The financial crisis is still the biggest ERM challenge

    21 December 2012

    Persistently low interest rates continue to pose problems, says Munich Re's Jürgen Dümont

  • Early pillar 3 reporting would be unnecessary burden

    21 December 2012

    ABI urges practical solution to Solvency II implementation

  • Gjensidige chooses RiskIntegrity

    20 December 2012

    Leading Norwegian insurer licenses Moody's Analytics' software

  • Focus on the risks and issues that ERM misses

    20 December 2012

    A good track record of addressing strategic risks will build ERM's value into the heart of business, says Hiscox CRO

  • Solvency II pillars 2 and 3 will be implemented by 2014, says Eiopa

    20 December 2012

    Eiopa will publish guidelines for supervisors

  • Long-term guarantee assessment to launch on 28 January

    19 December 2012

    Results end of March and Eiopa report in June

  • US nat cats dominate 2012 losses

    19 December 2012

    Swiss Re study predicts $65bn of industry losses this year