
  • Cat bonds record second highest H2 total

    22 July 2013

    Expanding investor base driving demand, says Swiss Re

  • Nine global systemically important insurers named

    19 July 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's designation of systemically risky insurers has brought howls of protest from the industry, but the impact on the nine firms is not easy to gauge. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Irish regulator fines Quinn €5m for asset, solvency failings

    18 July 2013

    But not in the public interest to impose it, says Central Bank of Ireland

  • Insurance Europe details industry's demands on LTGA

    18 July 2013

    Suggestions address volatility and pro-cyclicality of Solvency II

  • Serious inconsistencies found in internal model pre-application processes

    18 July 2013

    Eiopa reports lack of collaboration among national supervisors

  • MetLife in line for systemically important designation

    18 July 2013

    CEO says firm is no threat to financial system

  • Axis estimates tornado, hailstorm and flood losses

    18 July 2013

    Pre-tax losses from cat and weather events for Q2 of $140m

  • Insurers' asset shifts create credit risks

    17 July 2013

    Moody's warns of investing in illiquid and low-quality assets

  • FSB launches consultation on risk appetite frameworks

    17 July 2013

    Lays out responsibilities for chief risk officers

  • Why big data is a big deal

    17 July 2013

    It's often said that insurance will be one of the many industries to benefit from the big data revolution. Peggy Brinkmann and Nancy Watkins break down the buzzwords and explain the techniques insurers can use to improve their risk analysis, detection of claims fraud and marketing