
  • Prettejohn to chair Scottish Widows

    24 April 2014

    Quit PRA role in March

  • Annuity changes put corporate bonds under pressure

    23 April 2014

    Revisions to the UK's legislation around annuities is causing insurers to rethink investment strategies. Hardeep Dhillon examines the impact on sterling capital markets and demand for assets

  • Reinsurers show solid underwriting gains

    23 April 2014

    But outlook for reinsurance sector is negative, says Fitch report

  • Mark Versey joins Aviva Investors

    22 April 2014

    Hired as director of client solutions

  • Morningstar and UBS Delta to offer Solvency II capital calculations

    22 April 2014

    Market risk SCR figures will provide insights on asset allocation

  • R&Q exploring "exit products" for ILS investors

    22 April 2014

    Legacy acquisition strategies shifting

  • Hodges to leave LGIM

    22 April 2014

    Martin Reeves assumes responsibility for the Dynamic Bond Trust

  • Infrastructure assets retain appeal for insurers

    17 April 2014

    Even if recent pension reforms result in falling demand for annuities in the UK, an increasingly competitive insurance market is likely to sustain the demand for high-yielding assets like infrastructure projects, say Michael Wilkins and Oliver Herbert

  • Willis adds two to capital markets unit

    17 April 2014

    Quentin Perrot joins in London and Rui Hang in Hong Kong

  • PRA issues statement on deferred tax assets under SII

    17 April 2014

    Highlights areas requiring particular attention from insurers