
  • Mark Versey to leave Friends Life

    29 November 2013

    The chief investment officer is set to join Aviva

  • Five years of InsuranceERM, five years on the tortuous journey towards Solvency II

    29 November 2013

    InsuranceERM was launched five years ago, in November 2008, when implementation of Solvency II was less than four years away. Now, it's still over two years away and a lot of water has passed under the bridge. Delving into the InsuranceERM archives, Peter Field charts the ebbs and flows on the way to the European Parliament vote last week for a January 2016 go-live date for Solvency II

  • Non-life re/insurance premiums to grow in 2014 says Swiss Re

    29 November 2013

    Life reinsurance premiums expected to diminish in mature markets however

  • Aegon UK appoints new CRO

    28 November 2013

    Jim Ewing takes over from Charles Garthwaite

  • RSA's Irish chief resigns (updated)

    28 November 2013

    Philip Smith says he has been made "fall guy" over internal investigation

  • Generali budgets €33m to prepare for Solvency II

    27 November 2013

    Major reforms to investment management processes under way

  • Towers Watson's Tricia Guinn: "The insurance industry is becoming increasingly analytical"

    27 November 2013

    Towers Watson's decision to sell its reinsurance brokerage is part of a strategy to capitalise on the increasingly analytical and technical nature of the insurance industry, risk and financial services managing director Tricia Guinn tells Lorna Davies.

  • MGM Advantage split confirmed

    26 November 2013

    CRO David Gulland to head closed-book business

  • Swiss Re selects WKFS credit risk software

    26 November 2013

    Reinsurer to use Summix Credit Risk

  • Iran nuclear deal lifts certain insurance sanctions

    25 November 2013

    Insurance related to commodities deals will be allowed