
  • XL Group to take $75m reserve hit from Ogden change

    01 March 2017

    Insurance business less impacted than reinsurance due to low claims

  • XL estimates $245m nat cat losses for Q4

    10 January 2017

    Hurricane Matthew dominates with $130m loss

  • Canadian wildfires biggest loss for reinsurers

    14 July 2016

    Followed by flooding in Europe, US weather and earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador

  • Adjusting the leash for disruptors

    01 June 2016

    Regulators must live up to the challenge of fostering innovation while ensuring insurtech firms and incumbents remain on equal footing. Asa Gibson reports

  • XL chief: Solvency II will block innovation

    26 May 2016

    Mike McGavick blasts EU regulators for emphasis on capital

  • XL to quit Dublin for Bermuda

    29 February 2016

    Solvency II equivalence seals domestication decision

  • RGA takes on $22bn of XL's life liabilities

    04 December 2015

    Deal removes almost all XL's remaining life exposures

  • XL agrees $4.2bn Catlin takeover

    09 January 2015

    Larger dataset will improve predictive modeling and analytics

  • XL repurchases $275m shares in Q3

    28 October 2014

    Top line reinsurance growth slows down

  • European flood losses surpass $1.6bn

    16 July 2013

    Partner Re is latest to report impact