
  • Climate change makes California catastrophic flood twice as likely

    24 August 2022
  • ABI chair and former MP join UK's pandemic risk pool initiative

    01 June 2020

    Pandemic Re Steering Committee forms six working groups

  • Impact Forecasting eases access to third-party cat models

    12 July 2016

    Releases version 10 of cat modelling platform, Elements

  • Willis Re launches Japan tsunami model

    03 December 2014

    Incorporates data from 2011 disaster

  • Oasis: a threat or a complement to the cat model giants?

    21 February 2014

    A new open-source loss modelling framework, Oasis, is threatening to shake up the catastophe modelling establishment. Jamie Bullen asks insurers, scientists and cat modellers how they see it developing

  • Oasis launches open source cat modelling software

    29 January 2014

    Framework is backed by 21 re/insurers and brokers

  • Cat modellers set out their platforms

    26 February 2013

    For Eqecat, AIR and RMS, the future is platforms and the promise to give clients more model transparency and control. Open-architecture initiatives such as Oasis are also gearing up. Lorna Davies details the developments

  • Oasis roll-out gathers pace

    30 January 2013

    Cat model framework looking for four more players to sign up