
  • LV= and Swiss Re join UK insurtech initiative

    05 January 2016

    Startupbootcamp InsurTech is backing 10 start-ups

  • InsurTech start-ups plot disruptive change

    10 December 2015

    Innovation efforts focussed on distribution channels and customer engagement

  • Twenty UK insurers await news on Solvency II internal model application

    03 December 2015

    PRA expected to announce decisions over the weekend

  • Munich Re confirms internal model approval

    25 November 2015

    German regulator continues to notify insurers

  • Are the numbers up for operational risk modelling?

    24 November 2015

    The internal model application process and developments in the banking world have posed more questions about the merits of modelling operational risk under Solvency II. Asa Gibson reports

  • Talanx gets the nod on Solvency II internal model

    23 November 2015

    German insurance giant becomes sixth known company to get approval

  • Danish insurers report Solvency II model approval

    06 November 2015

    Alm. Brand and Topdanmark join growing club

  • Tryg's internal model approved

    05 November 2015

    Danish insurance group is third in Europe to get supervisor's green light

  • Bergander affirmed as new CEO for RSA Scandinavia

    12 June 2014

    Has been interim CEO since March