
  • Andrew Tyrie to stand down from parliament

    25 April 2017

    Chair of Treasury Select Committee open to new MP

  • MP Rees-Mogg to focus on risk margin and standard formula reform

    16 February 2017

    Treasury select committee MP also wants competition as a primary objective at the PRA

  • TSC hearing: gaining equivalence a priority for UK Solvency II reforms

    17 January 2017

    Single market access now off the cards after May speech

  • UK industry chiefs convene to discuss post-Brexit regulation

    12 January 2017

    Insurers, IFoA, Lloyd's and ABI called to give evidence about Solvency II

  • UK's problem with Solvency II isn't EU red tape: it's gold plating

    17 November 2016

    MPs investigating post-Brexit Solvency II reforms should focus on the UK regulator, rather than Brussels bureaucrats, according to insurers. Far from throwing off the shackles of Europe, most firms hope any changes will be minor and phased in slowly. Callum Tanner reports

  • Risk margin reform harder after Brexit vote, says Woods

    19 July 2016

    PRA chief says buffer is procyclical and not justified by historical evidence