
  • UK pension risk transfer volumes to hit £65bn in 2022

    20 January 2022

    Willis Towers Watson presents its business outlook for bulk annuities and longevity swaps

  • UK motor claims inflation may rise further in 2022

    15 December 2021

    The cost of settling claims has continued to increase during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Net-zero underwriting tools are at "nascent" state

    13 December 2021

    ClimateWise report reviews the options available for insurers

  • Arch and Fidelis adopt WTW's climate accreditation framework

    07 December 2021

    Announcement comes after Scor and Liberty supported the framework

  • Climate change's threat to longevity

    09 November 2021

    The relationship between the environment and human health is a growing topic for life insurers. Longevity modelling experts expect there will be some important and unexpected trends to consider, as Cintia Cheong reports

  • UK's Solvency II study spooks the market

    29 October 2021

    Annuity writers have been shocked by the results of the UK's quantitative impact study on potential reforms to Solvency II and are preparing for a clash with the regulator, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Scor signs up to climate transition pathway framework

    18 October 2021

    Willis Towers Watson developed the accreditation model to aid transition to a low carbon economy

  • Longevity modelling factors to consider if Covid-19 becomes endemic

    06 October 2021

    Different scenarios related to the pandemic may impact death rates, L&G's Joseph Lu says

  • Actuaries cautiously optimistic about longevity outlook post-Covid

    29 September 2021

    Many in the scientific community expect Covid-19 to become an endemic virus

  • Willis Towers Watson unveils eight-step climate action plan for insurers

    20 September 2021

    The broker, and asset manager Wellington, have produced a climate risk guide for the sector