
  • RNA Analytics buys out Algo Financial Modeler from IBM

    03 July 2017

    New company comprises team that has supported AFM

  • Brian Ingle to lead analytics for Willis Re North America

    30 June 2017

    Follows promotion of Alice Underwood

  • WTW hires capital modelling expert

    19 June 2017

    Gavin Hill joins from Bank of England

  • SFCRs - the one-tonne paper chase by European insurers

    15 June 2017

    Analysis of public Solvency II reports shows literally a tonne of information is now available to stakeholders. But who will use it? Do the reports satisfy stakeholders? And how might the reports evolve? David Walker reports

  • Willis Towers Watson hires Underwood as consulting and software head

    08 June 2017

    Alice Underwood to replace Michael Murphy, who moves to New Ireland Assurance

  • IFRS 17 compliance: a task comparable with Solvency II?

    18 May 2017

    IFRS 17 has been described as a "landmark shift" in insurer accounting and some are saying that implementation could require more work than was needed for Solvency II. InsuranceERM gets the lowdown from the industry on what it means for the sector

  • How are P&C actuarial functions coping with Solvency II?

    16 May 2017

    With more than a year's experience of Solvency II, actuaries in property and casualty firms are implementing some of the requirements well – and others not so well – as Sanjiv Chandaria explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Markel CATCo's senior actuary becomes CRO

    08 May 2017

    Senior underwriter also becomes co-chief underwriting officer

  • Insurtech funding hits $283m in Q1

    02 May 2017

    TravelCar and EverQuote lead funding rounds

  • Willis Towers Watson updates Unify platform

    27 April 2017

    Version 2.0 improves workflow processing and data exchange