
  • Implementing IFRS 17 will cost Munich Re "triple-digit millions"

    04 December 2017

    CFO Jörg Schneider says introduction should be postponed

  • IFRS 17 compliance: a task comparable with Solvency II?

    18 May 2017

    IFRS 17 has been described as a "landmark shift" in insurer accounting and some are saying that implementation could require more work than was needed for Solvency II. InsuranceERM gets the lowdown from the industry on what it means for the sector

  • UK supervisor pragmatic about lack of Solvency II compliance

    07 October 2016

    Survey shows regulation is far from 'business as usual' for insurers

  • UK insurers dub Solvency II "hardly worth the effort"

    06 October 2016

    Advisors do not expect UK to abandon the rules nonetheless

  • Towergate appoints Brian Hardwick as CRO

    06 July 2016

    Former Chubb CRO to assist in turnaround

  • London an underdog of global ILS markets

    14 October 2015

    City is unlikely to capture cat bond market, despite government efforts

  • One quarter of UK insurers could fail on pillar 3

    06 March 2015

    Granularity of Solvency II data requirements is the major hurdle, survey shows

  • Going off-trail on internal models

    17 July 2014

    Over the past three years, about one in three UK insurers intending to build an internal model have scrapped their plans. More could follow before April next year, when the formal applications are due. Hugo Coelho investigates.

  • Quarter of UK insurance managers doubt Solvency II will go live on time

    09 July 2014

    Grant Thornton survey reveals widespread uncertainty

  • UK MP's annuities switching plan faces Solvency II hurdle

    08 January 2014

    Pensions minister's plan to allow pensioners to swap annuity providers could make insurers ineligible for matching adjustment