
  • Why some reinsurers have weaker credit profiles than their rating suggests

    17 September 2024

    Reinsurance carriers that are part of a group can often have different credit profiles than are implied by their credit ratings, as Stuart Shipperlee explains

  • Japan's insurers preparing to accept more cancer-related risks

    09 August 2024

    S&P Global Ratings says market enjoys high and stable profit margins

  • S&P Global monitors funded reinsurance risk in Japan

    30 July 2024

    Ratings agency welcomes post-scandal reforms in non-life sector

  • Australia's health insurers hit 26-year peak in customer numbers in 2023

    25 July 2024

    But S&P Global Ratings warns about return of higher cost inflation

  • IFRS 17 is "two steps forward, one step back" for insurance accounting

    03 July 2024

    Updated standard removes asset-liability mismatch, but impedes comparability, says S&P

  • Australian non-life reinsurance costs rise 44% in seven years, S&P Global finds

    17 June 2024

    Premium growth outstripped reinsurance hikes over period

  • EU's Solvency II reforms could free up to €80bn of capital, S&P estimates

    12 June 2024

    Insurance sector's solvency ratios to benefit by up to 25 percentage points in aggregate

  • S&P: Iran-Israel conflict unlikely to erupt into full-scale Middle East war

    17 April 2024

    The rating agency says Emea insurers are not currently materially affected by the conflict, but risks remain

  • Breakeven is best Asia's reinsurers can hope for underwriting in 2024, predicts S&P Global

    13 March 2024

    Rating agency predicts more regular reviews of underwriting assumptions in future

  • S&P Global predicts less than $1bn of insured losses from Japan quake

    15 January 2024