
  • Legal and regulatory threats may dominate climate change costs

    05 May 2016

    S&P suggests it may spur insurers into action

  • One-third of Delta Lloyd shareholders oppose rights issue

    15 February 2016

    Could be a test case for regulators, Reuters reports

  • Fall in insurance premiums to lag growth of driverless cars

    19 January 2016

    UK insurers are starting to diversify their businesses, according to S&P

  • MetLife's spin-off subsidiaries suffer ratings downgrade

    14 January 2016

    S&P and Moody's cite capital intensity and lack of group support

  • Towers Watson poaches Aviva's capital management director

    08 December 2015

    Marcus Bowser joins the consultant's growing insurance leadership team

  • Climate change to shave 0.5% off insurers' capital annually

    16 November 2015

    Larger impact to be felt through lower investment returns

  • Solvency II fuels risk of model convergence

    16 November 2015

    The demands of regulatory approval are creating a lack of diversity in insurance models and driving an increase in systemic risk, according to a joint industry and academic study. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Ageas credit rating upgraded to 'A' by S&P

    09 November 2015

    Earnings stabilised despite low-rate environment

  • Brexit risks limited to licensing, regulation and short-term costs

    23 June 2015

    Insurers would face increased costs of cross-border business, says S&P

  • Austrian insurers better able to resist low rates than Germans

    04 June 2015

    Resolution of 'bad bank' to put extra pressure short-term returns, S&P warns