
  • Insurers and authorities in "absolute consensus" on pandemic and climate change

    02 December 2020

    Risk modellers advocate 'honest risk modelling' openly acknowledging practice's limitations

  • What do risk modellers and Clint Eastwood have in common?

    27 November 2020

    More than you might think, say panellists at Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA 2020

  • Brexit produces 'eye-catching' insurance solvency figures

    20 August 2019

    Insurance Risk Data unearths some striking metrics from UK insurance players fearing a ‘hard Brexit’

  • Vitality appoints group chief risk officer

    04 May 2017

    Justin Skinner replaces Nigel Allman

  • QBE hires Mark Baxter as CRO

    26 April 2017

    Brings EU regulatory experience to role in Australia

  • Insurers and regulators join to discuss data concerns

    13 March 2017

    First Solvency II annual returns, risk modelling and IFRS 17 to be examined

  • Twenty UK insurers await news on Solvency II internal model application

    03 December 2015

    PRA expected to announce decisions over the weekend